
Excerpts from

Winning the Game of Work:

Career Happiness and Success on Your Own Terms

by Terry Boyle McDougall | New Degree Press 2020

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Winning the Game of Work: Chapter One

Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success on Your Own Terms by Terry Boyle McDougall | New Degree Press 2020 Chapter 1: Work is a Game Nothing is like it seems, but everything is exactly like it is. –Yogi Berra How Can Work Be a Game? After more than thirty years working and coaching hundreds of professionals on success, I know work is essentially a game. Work encompasses the activities you do to earn money to buy the stuff you and your loved ones need for survival—as [...]

Winning the Game of Work: Introduction

Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success on Your Own Terms by Terry Boyle McDougall | New Degree Press 2020 Introduction It would be so much easier if I could just be a student instead of always a pawn in a bigger game. –Sarah K. L. Wilson I was blindsided. Okay, maybe I should have seen this coming, but I was just a babe in the woods at the time. Barely a year out of college, working my first job at a magazine publisher in Boston. My [...]

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