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Your envy is trying to tell you something

For many people envy is a very uncomfortable emotion to recognize in themselves. However, it can be very valuable in helping you to discover what you really want out of life and work. Pay attention to it and discover more about yourself.

Can a lowly tomato really make you productive?

The pomodoro is a time management technique that can help you be more productive in 25-minute sprints. It's great for shiny object people or those who are easily distracted to maintain focus and get things done.

Need a New Resume? Give This Free Service a Try

When you're in job search, a big obstacle to getting started can be the need to create or update a resume. Technology is making that easier. The Resume Builder tool can help you have a great resume in minutes.

I hate my job and I can’t find the corkscrew!

Sometimes when we are stressed at work, we may resort to less than healthy coping mechanisms. It's important to recognize when you need to take productive action to change your situation and look for a new job or career to manage your health and stress.

Should I stay or should I go: Career advice from The Clash

In your career it can be hard to decide sometimes whether to wait out times of disruption or leave to find greener pastures. The Clash song "Should I stay or should I go?" illustrates this quandary very well. Here are some tips on how to deal with the situation.

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