Do you deserve a promotion?

Admittedly, that’s a loaded question. But, seriously, who decides that? Generally, it’s management who decides who gets promoted but I’d argue that they are not the ones who decides who deserves promotion.

Only you can decide whether you deserve it or not. It’s really a matter of mindset. One of the things that energy theory tells us is that energy attracts like energy. So if you’d like to get promoted but are coming at from a position of lack — waiting for someone else to tap you on the shoulder and pull you up, you may be waiting for a very long time.

The subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between reality and dreams.

On the other hand, if you believe that you are destined for good things, “act as if” now and begin to envision yourself already in an elevated position, you may find that in short order you are actually in that role.

The subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between reality and dreams. If you can envision a very clear picture of what a promotion will be like and how you’ll act and look and be, you will begin to live that way. And as a result, others will begin to see you that way as well.

This does not happen "auto-magically" — you don’t just sit around doing nothing and magically a big raise and promotion is dropped in your lap.

Now, this does not happen "auto-magically" — you don’t just sit around thinking this stuff (and doing nothing else) and magically a big raise and promotion is dropped in your lap. The fact is that when you mentally create the future environment in your mind, you begin to see opportunities and if you start to act on them it sets other things in motion that will move you towards your goal.

You do things like upgrade your wardrobe. You identify skill gaps between where you currently are and where you need to be and you address those gaps through training, mentoring and coaching. You take responsibility for your own career rather than having a narrow view of some all-powerful manager having control over whether you advance or not.

Some people will attach themselves to their boss's coattails, believing that's the path to advancement. They will adapt their career approach to their manager’s style only to have that manager leave and be replaced by someone new with a completely vision. Then the employee is caught flat-footed without his own career vision because he abdicated responsibility for his advancement to his boss.


Some people will attach themselves to their boss's coattails, believing that's the path to advancement.


The truth is that you have the ability add value, you are here on earth for a reason and you are the one ultimately decides if you are deserving. Even if there’s not a path to career advancement at your current employer, if you believe you are worthy and act as if, you will find the opportunities and they may even find you!

If you’d like support in shifting your mindset to get what you truly want from your career, contact me for a free coaching discovery call.

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