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Can a lowly tomato really make you productive?

The pomodoro is a time management technique that can help you be more productive in 25-minute sprints. It's great for shiny object people or those who are easily distracted to maintain focus and get things done.

Everything you want starts with an idea

You’re able to create something out of literally nothing. Your thoughts have energy, and some say that you wouldn’t imagine a possibility unless it has the potential to become real.

3 Big Lies That Hold You Back

Blog post about three mental obstacles that can hold you back from the things you want out of your career and life. Getting beyond limiting beliefs and shifting into a mindset of possibility can help you achieve your goals.

Should I stay or should I go: Career advice from The Clash

In your career it can be hard to decide sometimes whether to wait out times of disruption or leave to find greener pastures. The Clash song "Should I stay or should I go?" illustrates this quandary very well. Here are some tips on how to deal with the situation.

Need a New Resume? Give This Free Service a Try

When you're in job search, a big obstacle to getting started can be the need to create or update a resume. Technology is making that easier. The Resume Builder tool can help you have a great resume in minutes.

The Five Harsh Truths About Micromanagers

If you've worked for a micromanager or if you have a little bit of the tendency yourself, there are a few truths that will help you overcome the obstacles associated with micromanaging.

Overcoming the Superhero syndrome at work

Don't let "superhero syndrome" stand in the way of your career progression. Start valuing yourself and stop over-performing, learn to say no and set boundaries. Move ahead with less stress.

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