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3 Big Lies That Hold You Back

Blog post about three mental obstacles that can hold you back from the things you want out of your career and life. Getting beyond limiting beliefs and shifting into a mindset of possibility can help you achieve your goals.

More work, no raise? Strategies to come out ahead

In times of crisis or transition you may hear someone say, "Keeping your job is the new raise." While you may be grateful to be employed, it still doesn't feel good to work harder for the same or less money. Here are some strategies for coming out on top when this happens to you.

Overcoming the Superhero syndrome at work

Don't let "superhero syndrome" stand in the way of your career progression. Start valuing yourself and stop over-performing, learn to say no and set boundaries. Move ahead with less stress.

What great opportunities are you overlooking?

Sometimes we miss great opportunities because it shows up looking differently than what we'd imagined. It can be helpful to step back and see the whole picture sometimes so you understand you goals in the larger context.

9 Reasons Not to Hire a Career Coach

Hiring a career coach is an investment in your future. Often people view coaching as an expense rather than an investment in their own future. Many of my clients have enjoyed a return on investment that exceeds the cost of coaching within a few weeks.

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