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What’s Career Santa bringing you this year?

Like a child who no longer believes in Santa, too often we can give up on believing we can get true satisfaction from our careers. However, when you clarify and ask for what you want career-wise you're more likely to get it.

Can a lowly tomato really make you productive?

The pomodoro is a time management technique that can help you be more productive in 25-minute sprints. It's great for shiny object people or those who are easily distracted to maintain focus and get things done.

3 Stubborn Career Myths That Block Your Success

There are myths that can keep you from enjoying the success that you work so hard for. This article helps to bust the myths and gets you on the right track to bolstering your confidence for career success.

Overcoming the Superhero syndrome at work

Don't let "superhero syndrome" stand in the way of your career progression. Start valuing yourself and stop over-performing, learn to say no and set boundaries. Move ahead with less stress.

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