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Summoning the Courage to Make a Career Pivot

There is no change without risk. When you are considering a job change or career pivot, it can be scary. After all, there's risk involved in leaving a job that you're familiar with. There's also risk in staying. Here are lessons I learned when I left my job.

Lessons learned from a bad boss

It can be natural to want to quit your job when you're faced with a toxic workplace or bad boss. It may seem contradictory but I learned some valuable lessons from working from a very bad boss.

The Five Harsh Truths About Micromanagers

If you've worked for a micromanager or if you have a little bit of the tendency yourself, there are a few truths that will help you overcome the obstacles associated with micromanaging.

3 Big Lies That Hold You Back

Blog post about three mental obstacles that can hold you back from the things you want out of your career and life. Getting beyond limiting beliefs and shifting into a mindset of possibility can help you achieve your goals.

I hate my job and I can’t find the corkscrew!

Sometimes when we are stressed at work, we may resort to less than healthy coping mechanisms. It's important to recognize when you need to take productive action to change your situation and look for a new job or career to manage your health and stress.

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