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Winning the Game of Work: Chapter One
Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success [...]
The overachiever’s guide to overcoming self-doubt
Many high-performers will rush to the next challenge without savoring or celebrating their accomplishments without fully recognizing their true contribution to the positive outcome.
We Are Our Stories: Andrew’s Career Story
Blog post and chapter from the best-selling career book Winning the Game of Work featuring Andrew Linderman, founder of The Story Source on the importance of storytelling.
Summoning the Courage to Make a Career Pivot
There is no change without risk. When you are considering a job change or career pivot, it can be scary. After all, there's risk involved in leaving a job that you're familiar with. There's also risk in staying. Here are lessons I learned when I left my job.
You’ve got great ideas — stop editing yourself!
Way too often our biggest obstacle in career advancement in ourselves. We have great ideas but we don't share them because we fear what others may think. It's time to step up and let your light shine.
Lessons learned from a bad boss
It can be natural to want to quit your job when you're faced with a toxic workplace or bad boss. It may seem contradictory but I learned some valuable lessons from working from a very bad boss.
How I learned to live happily with my gremlin, Ralph
I call that little voice in your head that sometimes says mean things to you a gremlin. The gremlin can be very annoying but it's job is to keep you safe at all costs even if it makes you unhappy. Here are a few tips on how to make friends with your gremlin so you can stay safe and happy!
3 Stubborn Career Myths That Block Your Success
There are myths that can keep you from enjoying the success that you work so hard for. This article helps to bust the myths and gets you on the right track to bolstering your confidence for career success.
Overcoming the Superhero syndrome at work
Don't let "superhero syndrome" stand in the way of your career progression. Start valuing yourself and stop over-performing, learn to say no and set boundaries. Move ahead with less stress.