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Lessons learned from a bad boss
It can be natural to want to quit your job when you're faced with a toxic workplace or bad boss. It may seem contradictory but I learned some valuable lessons from working from a very bad boss.
Overcoming the Superhero syndrome at work
Don't let "superhero syndrome" stand in the way of your career progression. Start valuing yourself and stop over-performing, learn to say no and set boundaries. Move ahead with less stress.
3 Stubborn Career Myths That Block Your Success
There are myths that can keep you from enjoying the success that you work so hard for. This article helps to bust the myths and gets you on the right track to bolstering your confidence for career success.
Winning the Game of Work: Introduction
Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success [...]
I hate my job and I can’t find the corkscrew!
Sometimes when we are stressed at work, we may resort to less than healthy coping mechanisms. It's important to recognize when you need to take productive action to change your situation and look for a new job or career to manage your health and stress.
This is the year you get what you REALLY want
Way too often New Year's resolutions are gone before the end of January,. Here are five ways you achieve your new year's resolutions and enjoy lasting change in your life and career.
What great opportunities are you overlooking?
Sometimes we miss great opportunities because it shows up looking differently than what we'd imagined. It can be helpful to step back and see the whole picture sometimes so you understand you goals in the larger context.
Everything you want starts with an idea
You’re able to create something out of literally nothing. Your thoughts have energy, and some say that you wouldn’t imagine a possibility unless it has the potential to become real.
101 things to do this summer just for the fun of it
Summer is the time to recharge your batteries. Get back in touch with the things you liked to do as a kid. Feel the joy of following your heart. Play tag. Blow bubbles. Run through the sprinkler. Enjoy!